A Cop’s Commitment to Serving Those in Need

In a world often overshadowed by headlines of crime and conflict, it is easy to lose sight of the acts of pure compassion that illuminate the inherent goodness of humanity. Despite the challenges posed by insurgency and in maintaining peace and order in our communities, the Philippine National Police (PNP) diligently works on solving and preventing crimes. However, amidst the demanding responsibilities of PNP’s uniformed men and women, they remarkably carve out time to aid those who are most vulnerable and are in need. This dedication to both law enforcement and community welfare exemplifies their multifaceted role and unwavering commitment in serving and safeguarding their fellowmen.

On April 6, 2024, personnel of the 101st Maneuver Company extended a helping hand to an elderly couple facing financial crisis. Struggling to make both ends meet, the couple found it most challenging to address their basic needs, including essential medical care. They learned that the woman identified as Mrs. Miriam Manantan, aged 68 years required urgent medical attention due to her deteriorating eyesight. Without hesitation, the troop accompanied Mrs. Manantan to a doctor to address her health concerns.

Not content with just medical assistance, the officers went the extra mile, surprising the couple with groceries and facilitated the installation of lighting fixtures for their home to ensure their safety and comfort during nighttime.

This comprehensive approach not only met the couple’s immediate needs but also provided them with a sense of security and peace of mind.

Through their selfless actions, the 101st Maneuver Company personnel embodied the true essence of community policing — a commitment to serving and protecting all members of society, particularly those most vulnerable. Its personnel’s dedication to aiding the elderly couple stands as a beacon of hope, its profound impact manifested on the lives of others. In a world often marred by conflict, the compassion and goodwill displayed by the troops illuminate the path to a more compassionate and inclusive society, indeed, to a Bagong Pilipinas.