A Drop of Kindness: PNP’s Paramount Initiative to Save Lives

The Philippines just like other countries in the world, is currently facing blood supply shortage. Earlier this June, the Department of Health Zamboanga (DODH-9) has reported a major shortage of blood supply within their region. Stating that they are urging the general public especially those healthy and abled individuals to donate blood to help them address the said insufficiency.

According to the New England Journal of Medicine, death from hemorrhage represents a substantial global problem, with an estimated 1.9 million deaths per year worldwide. Thus, donating blood is the simplest way yet a straightforward and an incredibly important act of kindness that an individual can do to save lives. Hospitals and clinics rely on the selflessness of blood donors on a daily basis to provide patients in need with vital care.

Likewise, donating blood has an immediate and palpable impact. A single contribution might save up to three lives. For instance, red blood cells are necessary for trauma patients and those having surgery; plasma is critical for treating burns and liver disease; and platelets are critical for cancer patients.

On April 19, 2024, the Philippine National Police, through the Police Community Affairs and Development Group, successfully organized a Blood Donation Drive in collaboration with the Philippine Blood Center at PBC, Diliman Quezon Avenue, Quezon City. Said crucial activity was participated by 235 PNP personnel from Camp Crame, the National Capital Region Police Office, and the Special Action Force.

As early as 8 a.m., the Philippine Blood Center was indeed overwhelmed as the PNP National Headquarters man truck arrived with a significant number of personnel ready and willing to donate. The police officers extended their full support by donating blood to those patients who are in dire need, such as those in serious and critical conditions.

The PNP Blood Donation Drive successfully donated at least 200 blood bags which was all turned-over to the Philippine Blood Center. Dr. Iftizar N. Haron, Officer-in-Charge of PBC, expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the Nation’ Peacekeeper for its generosity in saving lives through its personnel’s blood donations.

The Philippine National Police under the leadership of Police General Rommel Francisco D. Marbil, PNP Chief, will surely hold another blood donation drive in the future, and is always inviting everyone to donate blood in support of the supremacy of life. Because PNP lives on its motto—to serve and protect and its current mantra: “Sa Bagong Pilipinas ang Gusto ng Pulis, Ligtas Ka!”

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