Bukidnon PNP takes Center Stage in Safeguarding A Jubilant Kaamulan Festival

Sustaining Traditions, Nurturing our Indigenous Legacy

Nestled amidst the verdant mountains of Bukidnon, the annual Kaamulan Festival pulsates with vibrant life. This year’s celebration with the theme, Sustaining Traditions, Nurturing our Indigenous Legacy, was not just a kaleidoscope of indigenous music, dance, and costumes – it was a testament to the enduring spirit of the whole province and its people.

The Kaamulan Festival is an annual ethnic cultural festival held in Malaybalay City in Bukidnon. The celebration honors the heritage and traditions of the seven indigenous tribes that call Bukidnon, the provice as their home: Bukidnon, Higaonon, Talaandig, Manobo, Matigsalug, Tigwahanon, and Umayamnon.

The word “Kaamulan” itself comes from the Binukid word “amul,” which means “to gather.” It is a gathering, therefore, of Bukidnon tribespeople for a purpose. This can mean a datuship ritual, a wedding ceremony, a thanksgiving festival during harvest time, a peace pact, or all of these put together.
During the celebration, the profound meaning of unity of several tribal folks representing the seven hill tribes of Bukidnon, gathering with the local dwellers in town were something to behold, wearing their intricately woven costumes studded with trinkets, anklets, earrings, necklaces, leglets, headdresses and amulets. With all those colors and characteristics representing the different tribes, they dance together, chanting and performing ancient rituals that identify them as one, and making the union stronger by competing in a holistic indigenous sports.

The events, which have been institutionalized over the years of celebrating the Kaamulan, include the Civic Parade; the much-awaited Street-dancing Competition with contingents coming from the different municipalities and cities of the province; the Laga daw Maama ta Bukidnon 2024 where beautiful ladies from within the province vie for the title; programs reminiscent of the historic beginnings of Bukidnon and its tribal oral traditions; Ethnic Dance Clinic and the Biggest concerts of Local and National Artists such Parokya ni Edgar, Ben & Ben which were all held at the newly Inaugurated Bukidnon Sports Complex.

There was also an influx of people from nearby regions because of the long display of products: Local establishments featuring the local produce of the province, and the products of the province’s Indigenous people. These are displayed in the Garden Show, Food Fest, Kaamulan Bazaar, Agri-fair, and Livestock Show. Crowd-drawing events such as the Motocross, Off-road Competition, Rodeo, Amateur Boxing, Invitational Basketball Tournament, Adventure Races, concerts, and several others were also roped into the festivity.

Among the collaborators for the success of the celebration, were the men and women of the Police Regional Office 10 (PRO 10), and the Bukidnon Police Provincial Office with the help of the PRO 10 augmentation team. Despite being tired and weary from securing the people of Bukidnon since the start of the Kaamulan activities on March 23, 2024, they have remained steadfast in performing their duties, first and foremost of which was to ensure the public safety of the residents, local and foreign visitors.

They were on top of the situation, prepared in implementing strict precautionary and safety measures to deter any untoward incidents. It was an extraordinary situation, where the police needed to do an extraordinary job and make quick decisions.

Each activity was a meaningful ceremony that reflects the richness and diversity of the Bukidnon culture. Integrated into the festival were activities designed to fuse the different sectors in the provincial community as a whole.

PCol Culaway stated that, “I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the dedicated men and women of the entire PNP Bukidnon for their outstanding efforts, dedication, and valuable time in ensuring a safe and peaceful experience for the people while preserving the cultural significance of the event throughout the month-long Kaamulan Festival celebration. I also want to acknowledge the Provincial Government of Bukidnon, under the leadership of Hon. Rogelio Neil P. Roque, for the untiring support to the Bukidnon PPO and the general public for their understanding and cooperation, coupled with the adherence to the guidelines imposed by the law enforcers and event organizers in order to aspire a safe, enjoyable, secure Kaamulan experience”.

This year’s Kaamulan Festival will be remembered not only for its vibrant colors and captivating performances, but also for the remarkable display of an unusual unity and resilience that pervaded every moment. The seven tribes of Bukidnon stands as a shining example of what unity can achieve, making the celebration itself a mark of solidarity.

Throughout the vibrant mix of traditions and festivities that defines the Kaamulan Festival, PNP acts as the guardian of happiness, guaranteeing that every moment is filled with security and peace. Though its unwavering vigilance, the whole event personify the essence of dedication and commitment, the peacekeepers serving as quiet protectors of merriment amid the myriad of festivities.

Photos by: Ian Russel Requiso

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