“Drug-Free Force”: PBGen Quesada leads Region-Wide Drug Testing of PRO MIMAROPA Personnel

As the primary enforcer of prevalent crimes, PNP upholds the significance of setting a good example in the community it serves, ensuring that its personnel embody the principles of discipline, professionalism, and ethical conduct. Showing great support to creating a safer and peaceful place to live in, this trustworthy force must be kept dignified and steadfast in its commitment to being the pillar of accountability through leading initiatives within the organization.

In a decisive move to reinforce integrity and professionalism, PBGen Roger L. Quesada, Regional Director of PRO MIMAROPA, spearheaded the region-wide surprise drug testing among PNP personnel on January 2, 2025, which was subsequently conducted across all Police Provincial Offices in the region. Said on-the-spot drug tests were facilitated by the Regional Forensic Unit MIMAROPA, and the results are to be released within two days.

The internal cleansing program implemented by Chief PNP PGen Rommel Francisco D. Marbil instigated this unannounced drug testing, which validates and reinforces the personnel’s support in the campaign against anti-illegal drugs. Hence, this move will be a regular component of the internal monitoring efforts as a proactive measure to maintain professionalism.

“This initiative underscores our firm commitment to transparency, accountability, and integrity within our ranks. By conducting these surprise drug tests, we send a clear message about our dedication to upholding a drug-free organization and maintaining ethical and moral standards in all our undertakings,” said PBGen Quesada.

Initiating this activity creates a credible positive impression to the public and a testament to a resolute dedication of a reliable police organization. Starting within oneself, regardless of rank, law enforcers hold the highest standard and lead by example.  Consequently, PRO MIMAROPA advocates a drug-free police force leading to a drug-free country.