PRO 13 joins PDEA CARAGA in the Collective Destruction of Dangerous Drugs Worth More than PHP 34M

With its comprehensive efforts to suppress illegal drugs in the CARAGA Region, the Police Regional Office 13 under the leadership of Police Brigadier General Alan M. Nazarro, Regional Director, joined the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agencies 11, 12, and 13 in the collective destruction of dangerous and illegal drugs and paraphernalia confiscated in the aforementioned regions on June 14, 2024 at Orgon Wood Industries, Inc. in Bingkilan, Barangay San Vicente, Butuan City. Police Colonel Michael F. Lebanan, the Deputy Regional Director for Administration, PRO 13, represented PBGen Nazarro as the Guest of Honor and Speaker.

The procedure, known as thermal decomposition, effectively disposed such illegal substances. Among those destroyed were 4,209.0119 grams of methamphetamine hydrochloride or shabu, valued at Php28,621,280.58; and 47,598.9744 grams of Marijuana worth Php 5,711,876.93. These two drugs had a total market value of Php34,333,157.51. This significant moment marked a collective victory not just for CARAGA Region but also Regions 11 and 12, as said regions collaboratively implemented measures to address the long-overdue issues of illegal drugs within their Areas of Responsibilities.

Said event was attended by Director III Naravy D. Duquiatan, RD, PDEA XI and IA III Charlemagne Tang as representative of RD, PDEA RO XII. It was also witnessed by Honorable Emmanuel N. Libres, Punong Barangay of Barangay San Vicente, Butuan City; Prosecutor Leilanie C. Empeso, Deputy City Prosecutor, Office of the City Prosecutor Butuan City; Attorney Ingrid Trixia E. Rullon-Nastor, Regional Public Attorney, Public Attorneyโ€™s Office Caraga Region; Rev. Fr. Ruel A. Delector, President, Mt. Mayapay Eagles Club, Caraga Region 2 โ€“ Representative from the Civil Society Group; and Mr. Ronald Torregosa, Radyo Serbato Philippines as Media Representative.

PNP Regional Forensic Units from Regions 13 and 11 also took part in the said activity together with various sectors of the government from other neighboring regions.

PBGen Alan M. Nazarro, in his message delivered by PCol Lebanan, said: “This event is our collective resolve to suppress the drug menace in the Caraga Region. It is the demonstration of the joint effort of the law enforcement agencies and the judiciary, and other stakeholders. Through the cooperation of the five pillars of the Philippine criminal justice system, we can keep our substantial gains. As these substances turn into handfuls of useless chemicals, may this inspire us to keep our motivation to win against illegal drugs.”

Director Charlene R. Magdurulang, PDEA Region XIII, likewise expressed her heartfelt gratitude to all government offices and other individuals who contributed to the success of the said event, significantly highlighting the effective collaboration and partnership, especially in ensuring such harmful substances be permanently removed in all our streets and local communities.

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